At the close of 2016 and to mark International Migrant’s Day (18 Dec), IFRC’s Secretary General, Elhadj As Sy, delivered a special message to children, asking them to put aside negative perceptions about people who migrate and instead, welcome them into their communities and treat them with kindness and understanding. Here’s his message:
“International Migrants Day is an important day to think about all the people in the world who have had to leave their homes, including people who left because of wars or disasters, because they no longer had food or water, or because they wanted a better life for their families. Many of them even took dangerous journeys across oceans and deserts to find safety.”

“You may have heard these people called all sorts of names: migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, or other names that are not so nice. You might also have heard news about worried or angry people who don’t want these families to come and live in their communities.”

“Some of the things they said about people migrating might have been frightening or mean, or maybe even racist and cruel. Some of these stories might have made you worried or scared.
Our world can be a really scary place, and it’s ok to be confused or concerned. But I want to tell you something that I think might make you feel better.”

“These people that you have heard so much about are just people. They are mums and dads, brothers and sisters, grandpas and grandmas. They are teachers, farmers and doctors. A lot of migrants are kids, just like you.
Many of them didn’t have a choice about leaving their homes. They were scared that, if they stayed, they would get hurt, or that their families might even be killed.”

“Can you imagine it being so unsafe outside, that you couldn’t go to school anymore, or see your friends? Imagine what your mum and dad would do to make sure that you were safe.
Just like all of us, these people want to be safe and happy, to work and go to school.”

“We are coming to the end of the year, and it’s a time when many express thanks for the good things in their lives. I think it’s also a good time to change how we think and talk about people who are migrating and fleeing, and how we treat them.
For starters, let’s stop using words that make people feel different, and start using words that make people feel like they belong.”

“If you have kids in your community that have recently arrived from another country, treat that kid the way you like to be treated yourself. Be kind, be welcoming, be a friend.”

“And as the year comes to a close, let’s celebrate the people around the world who help those in need or make them feel at home.”

“Be inspired by people who open their arms to strangers in need rather than reject them, volunteers who lend a hand to newcomers, as they get back on their feet. These people are heroes, everyday heroes.”

“Help make your communities stronger by treating people with care and humanity. Help make sure that everyone is treated equally and with dignity, simply, as people. And I’m sure you will.”

“Thank you!”